Home Atheists & Agnostics An Atheist’s Prayer

An Atheist’s Prayer

2 min read

Higher Power, build with me and do with me as this program requires.

Relieve me of the bondage of self.
Let victory over my difficulties bear witness to the love and power of this program.
Let me follow its way of life always.

Direct my thinking.
Eliminate my self-pity and dishonesty with myself.
Confine my self-seeking to positive directions.
Keep my mind open and my mouth shut.

Through the day, help me know what to do.
When I don’t know, give me the patience to wait for inspiration.
Give me whatever I need to do the next right thing.
Keep me free from self-will.

Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change,
the courage to change what I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

When it hits the fan,
let me stop to think instead of reacting.
Let me work my way to a sensible conclusion.
Let me not act on any decision until I have peace of mind about it.

Remind me I’m no longer running the show.
Let me do my part and let go of the result.
Let me remember to ask myself what Step I’m on.
Keep me abstinent, sober, and out of other people’s business.

Let me keep changing,
keep growing,
keep working toward being a better
person, and keep improving my life.

Let me always be grateful for all that life has given me.

— Alan

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