Recovery Working the Program Only Today By Posted on October 1, 2020 3 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Today is it. I don’t have to do more than that. I’m grateful to my first sponsor for drumming into me the concept of “one day at a time.” When I worried about the future, she’d remind me to look down at my feet and say aloud 1) where I am standing, 2) what day it is, and 3) “That’s all there is. That’s all I get.” Just today. Just now. What a relief. When my mind was whirling, she would ask me, “What Step aren’t you working today?” reminding me that I need to work the Step I’m on today, not tomorrow or Saturday, when I’ll have more time. Even if it means writing a single word, if I’m working my program today, then I’m working my Step today. I’m following my meal plan today. There are no days off in OA. I’m on Step Ten today, so this means I continue to take personal inventory today and clean up any messes I’ve made today. It means I strive to improve my conscious contact with my Higher Power today because I’m also working Step Eleven, and it means I try to carry this amazing message of recovery through the Twelve Steps to the person who is still suffering, since I’m also working Step Twelve today. I need to work my program today, and luckily, OA is always there for me, available for use through all the Tools. I’m so grateful to know there are no excuses. I am a compulsive overeater today, and I plan to work this program of recovery today. As a result, today I will enjoy abstinence, a relationship with my Higher Power, and be “of maximum service to God and the people about us” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., p. 77). Recovery requires a lot of work today and each day, but it’s so worth it. Thank you to my first sponsor, who never let a day slip by. — Anonymous