Home Spirituality Self-Amends Prayer

Self-Amends Prayer

2 min read

As a part of making amends to myself, which was suggested by my sponsor, I created the following prayer. The prayer lists positive characteristics that oppose my character defects, which I discovered when working my Fourth and Fifth Steps. By saying this prayer daily and out loud to my HP, I am acting as if I believe these good characteristics are true about myself and trusting my HP to lead me to this recovered reality.

Dear HP,

I am healing with your love and power, and because of you I believe:

I am selfless.
I am proud of myself.
I am honest.
I appreciate what others have.
I am secure.
I am mature and responsible.
I am nonjudgmental.
I am trusting of others and of myself.
I am giving and charitable.
I am energetic and motivated.
I am loving, caring, and friendly.
I am fearless.
I value my life and living out your will for 
my lifespan.
I live in reality, without magical thinking.
I honor schedules and timeliness.
I consider other people’s needs equal to 
my own.
I do not compare myself to others.
I focus on my side of the road.
I desire people and things, according to 
your will for my life.
I love myself as I am.

— Keri

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