Home Service Pass It On – a Lifeline Project

Pass It On – a Lifeline Project

3 min read

Imagine all of the still-suffering compulsive eaters waiting in doctors’ and dentists’ offices or sitting in emergency rooms with nothing to read but magazines touting recipes and dieting. Imagine compulsive exercisers at the gym seeing magazine after magazine featuring nothing but unrealistic body types. Let’s give them a gift: Lifeline. What a refreshing change! Stories of recovery! Stories that save lives! Giving Lifeline is living our primary purpose and carrying the message to those who still suffer. Plus, starting a Pass It On project with Lifeline is easy.

Do you have a lot of Lifelines hanging around? This is your opportunity to recycle previous issues of our magazine, employ the OA Tool of service, and change lives. Here’s an easy way to get Lifeline into hospitals, churches, and doctors’ offices: have members in your group bring old copies of Lifeline to meetings, then go distribute them in various places.

I was visiting a group when their intergroup rep brought up this idea in a group conscience meeting. Here are the steps:

  1. On an ongoing basis, collect issues of Lifeline.
  2. Appoint someone to make labels with local contact information to place on the back cover of the extra Lifelines.
  3. Appoint someone to a service position to explaining in meetings how members can bring or take Lifelines to “pass it on.” They can say, “Please grab a Lifeline to drop off at your doctor’s office or church with their permission, or pass one on to a friend. Members can give service either by bringing in old Lifeline issues or taking them to pass on.”

This is certainly an easy and anonymous way to carry the message. Why not discuss this idea at your next group conscience? Pass it on!

— Edited and reprinted from Today newsletter, St. Louis Bi-State Area Intergroup, January 2006

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