Two years ago today, I took a plane to Brisbane, Australia, with two bags and a lot of dreams. The bags held clothes to last six months, the time I planned to stay. When I arrived, it was amazing: a new country, new culture, new language, and new life. But I was the same person, so one of the first things I did was find an OA meeting. A few months before, I had started the program in Venezuela.

My first three months in Brisbane were very hard because I didn’t know the language. People talked to me, but I couldn’t understand, so I just smiled. Now, I can say I have learned another language. I can speak English—yes, yes, yes!

I’m learning about life. I’m learning to trust myself, to be honest with myself and others. I’m learning about each person in my life. The important thing to me is that I’ve found a lot of anonymous heroes—maybe these people don’t even know they’ve earned this title. Each day gives me different support for different ways to make my dreams come true.

I’m so grateful I know about Brisbane. I can express myself in another language, and I have a really good friend here. I’m a different person than when I arrived. Thanks a lot, God!

—Patricia B.

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