Home How OA Changed My Life Every Minute, Every Situation

Every Minute, Every Situation

2 min read

The key threads woven into and through my soul and my program of recovery are hope and gratitude.

The hope I felt at my first OA meeting was probably what kept me coming back, even though I wasn’t sure for what, besides weight loss, and even though my insides were twisted with pain, anger, and resentment. (I didn’t even know what the word “resentment” meant at the time.) I’d felt hopeless that life could ever be any different—I had no idea I would be around OA this many years later.

As recovery began, this thing called gratitude came alive in me. Now I am grateful for every minute and every situation in my life, however brief or long and no matter what the impact. I know these words are true: “If trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate His omnipotence” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., p. 133).

My gratitude is expressed in continued service to OA; for without OA, I would not have my beautiful family relationships or the career I had. Instead, I would be a very lonely, bitter woman. Thank you, each and every one of you.

— J., Colorado USA

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