I recently went to an OA marathon that focused on diversity within the program. I have multiple chemical sensitivities and sometimes meetings can trigger problems for me. I’m allergic to many commonly used chemicals, including perfumes, odorous hand creams, hand cleaners, hairsprays, and more. Since I started speaking out about these sensitivities, many people in program have thanked me for bringing it “out of the closet.” From these conversations, I’ve learned that many people are affected by these chemical substances—not as small a population as I’d assumed. It’s wonderful to know I am not alone. This group includes people recovering from pneumonia and other respiratory infections, people undergoing chemotherapy, and of course, people with asthma. My own reactions include asthmatic wheezing, headaches, burning eyes, nausea, temporary memory loss, and pains in my joints.

I have had to leave many meetings because of this problem. Once a reaction has started, though, just walking out of the room does not alleviate the symptoms. Many times it takes me weeks to get over an attack.

Most of us with this condition have not spoken up for fear of hurting someone’s feelings or imposing on the rights of others. After my last attack, I contacted the World Service Office and learned that some meetings have been paying attention to this issue for years. These meetings are listed as “fragrance free.” How wonderful it would be if we could have rooms like this in our area. It would ensure that people like me could come to meetings and not worry about getting sick.

I, and others like myself, want to stay in the rooms. Please, when you come to a meeting, help make it possible for us to stay by saving your perfumes for other times in your life.

I am grateful to my OA friends who have warned me in advance about odors that might trigger my breathing problems. To those who are willing to refrain from wearing perfumes to meetings, thank you. May you be blessed for knowing the true meaning of service.

— Sunny S., Seaford, New York USA

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