Home Recovery Slow, Steady Changes

Slow, Steady Changes

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My progress in recovery continues, though not as speedy or constant as I would like. In about five years, I’ve lost 60 pounds (27 kg), and I still have close to 30 pounds (14 kg) I’d like to shed. I started as a fat, lazy diabetic who suffered from asthma and episodes of gout. My blood pressure was high. I hated how I felt and looked, and I felt helpless to change.

Today at 52, I can run five miles. I do yoga and love to exercise. I’m off diabetic medications, my blood pressure is normal, and I no longer experience gout or asthma. My many roommates are probably elated that I no longer snore. I like myself and the direction my life is going. I feel blessed. I know my HP knows me by name and he directed me to OA.

Thank you to all of you who have written over the years. I couldn’t have done it without you. It works—maybe not at my preferred fast pace—but it works.

— Edited and reprinted from OASIS monthly meeting in print for loners of Overeaters Anonymous, August/September 2004

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