How OA Changed My Life Recovery Today By admin Posted on June 1, 2018 3 min read 1 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Before OA I said, “Tomorrow I will finally get this right.” Today I say, “Help me make this the best day possible.” Before OA I reacted to life and let circumstances create outcomes. Today I can see options in the middle of any situation. Before OA I mindlessly filled my mouth. Today I mindfully fill my heart. Before OA I could not stop eating certain foods no matter how much pain they caused me. Today I can let go of these foods even when I am in pain. Before OA if I tried something new and it didn’t work, I was a failure. Today when I try a new approach, I learn something about myself, no matter the outcome. Before OA I was constantly surrounded by people but was always alone. Today I am never alone regardless of how many people are in the room. Before OA I stood in front of a room full of people and made a grand performance for you. Today I can stand in that same room and just be me for me. Before OA I had only two choices when a problem presented itself: fight or flight. Today I move through life’s challenges one Step at a time until I have taken all twelve of them. By then the solution is clear. Before OA I was stuck in the past and worried about the future. Today I can sit in comfort with what is happening. Before OA I owned a measuring stick. It grew every day, and I used it as a whip. Today I grow each day, and my Higher Power keeps track of the rest. Before OA life was all or nothing, good and bad, black and white. Today I live in life’s vibrant colors that lie in between. Before OA I wondered where I was when life’s instruction book was handed out. Today I feel privileged to own my own, sometimes underused, but always available copy, the Big Book. — Les D., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada