Relapse Twelfth Step Within Packet Project By admin Posted on November 1, 2018 2 min read 1 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Assemble Twelfth Step Within packets to give to struggling members! Place these packets on your literature table or hand them out at a Twelfth Step Within event. The packets might include: A current list of local OA meetings with contact names and telephone numbers A list of names and phone numbers of those willing to sponsor A list of names and phone numbers of members with experience in recovering from relapse The name and phone number of the nearest Twelfth Step Within Committee Chair (Find it by contacting your intergroup, service board, or region.) A copy of Lifeline magazine A current issue of your local or regional newsletter A copy of A Step Ahead newsletter Flyers for upcoming OA events Wallet cards such as Just For Today or Pocket Reference for OA Members Bookmarks or other items with Twelve Step slogans A list of books and pamphlets about recovery from relapse, such as Members in Relapse; A New Beginning: Stories of Recovery from Relapse (available only at; and the Welcome Back, We Care! packet Keep coming back! It works when you work it, and you’re worth it. — Edited and reprinted from The Butterflyer newsletter, Chicago West Far-Out Intergroup, September 2017