Home Service Now Serving

Now Serving

2 min read

Service is a favorite Tool of mine. Carrying the message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers is the purpose of our program, and service has always been important to my personal recovery.

When I move to a new area, I find that doing service helps me get to know the people and projects in my new OA groups. There are many things I can do, like finding a chair for someone who arrives late, setting out and putting away literature, being group treasurer, chairing meetings, being a sponsor, and making phone calls.

When I drive to meetings in nearby towns, I pick up other OA members to ride along—it’s always a good time for fellowship. I enjoy taking my OA friends to appointments when they cannot drive. And when I found no OA Big Book meeting in one town, I helped start one.

One of our group’s ongoing outreach projects is posting OA Public Information Posters in busy places. My husband and I enjoy driving to many different towns to walk around and put up posters in banks, laundromats, restaurants, and grocery stores. There are always amusing moments, such as when we get permission to put up a poster in a restaurant that serves very unhealthy food. Do they realize a recovering person might not return to that restaurant?!

Service is a great way to help others, but most of all, it really helps my recovery.

— Edited and reprinted from Monarch Monthly newsletter, Three Rivers Intergroup of Northeast Indiana, September 2014

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