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Packed with Promise

3 min read

I finished the August 2014 issue of Lifeline last week and really enjoyed it. I can never read too much about the promises.

I also enjoyed reading an article of mine that I submitted several years ago. I received a letter saying it would be published in the August issue, but the funny thing was I couldn’t find it right away, and neither could my husband, as we skimmed the author names looking for mine. So I just started reading the magazine from the beginning. I recognized my article immediately—I had signed it Anonymous! I enjoyed reading it again after so many years.

I also really enjoyed “My Body” (p. 20). I’ve been abstinent for more than twenty-two years and have worked the Steps quite a few ways over the years, but I am not sure I truly made amends to my body. But it’s never too late!

I have done what is most important, though, by staying abstinent for over twenty-two years thanks to OA!

And “Clergy Outreach” (p. 21)—what an awesome, innovative idea! I hope it motivates more members to spread the message not only in that avenue but to all health care professionals as well.

My newest health care provider was so excited to receive all I gave her. She said if she had her own office, she would have it all over the walls because so many of her patients need it. So we need to really get going in spreading the OA message.

I encouraged my intergroup to have a professional outreach day several years ago and was the one-woman member of our Outreach Committee. We no longer have an active intergroup but are working on reviving it.

I’ve never stopped giving service because I can never give back what I have so graciously been given. Thanks to all who do the same.

— Jean

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