Home Steps Love Would Restore Me

Love Would Restore Me

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“Came to believe . . .”

I came to meetings and I came to believe many things. I came to believe there were people like me who had this same problem and found a solution. I came to believe that whatever I’d been trying wasn’t working and probably never would work. I came to believe I could try to the best of my ability to do what recovering members of Overeaters Anonymous had done before me to find recovery.

“a Power greater than myself . . .”

I’d always been a woman of faith with a strong belief in God. I knew that God was my Higher Power. But I came to believe that God is not the only Power higher than me. Anyone with more recovery is a Higher Power than me. My sponsor is a Higher Power than me. Speakers in the rooms who have more recovery are a Higher Power than me. The people who wrote our literature while staying abstinent are a Higher Power than me. I can listen to all of these people and follow their suggestions. I can practice some humility, even when their ideas seem unusual and against my regular habits.

“could restore me to sanity.”

This Power could restore me to moderation in my eating and my habits. Could restore me to health. Could restore me to a normal body weight. Could restore me to a better life.

I got a little stuck on Step Two. This was surprising to me. I realized that the problem was this: I knew God could restore me. But I didn’t really believe that God would. I didn’t believe I was valuable enough, that God loved me enough. It was only when I allowed myself to be convinced of God’s infinite love for me that I was able to truly embrace Step Two.

— Anonymous

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