Home Sponsoring Lending What Was Offered

Lending What Was Offered

2 min read

When I began OA in October 2000, I chose a sponsor who had what I wanted. She shared her experience of working through the Steps and Traditions of OA with her sponsor, and I began my process according to her experience, strength, and hope. I purchased OA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book along with its companion, The Twelve Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous. I answered the questions in the Workbook as I read through each Step in the book.

After I completed my answers for each Step, my sponsor and I would meet. She would listen to my writing, only offering comment if solicited by me or if she heard any evidence of self-loathing, self-deprivation, or self-judgement on my part. She would invite me to reconsider any negative aspect of my answer and remind me of recovery progress, all along the lines of self-care, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. My sponsor and I took the time I required for my program, and through this regular practice of the Steps together, she helped me establish the foundation of my spiritual recovery and a new approach to living.

As I sponsor others, I lend to each what was offered to me. I listen as sponsees share their answers to the questions in the Twelve Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition. I encourage each person to grow from a place of self-loathing to a recovery path of self-care, and I offer a judgement-free relationship as each member travels the OA recovery path to freedom and healing.

I am forever grateful to my sponsor.

— Maggie

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