Recovery Uncategorized Working the Program A Slogan that Works By Posted on October 1, 2020 2 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr I came into Overeaters Anonymous on March 26, 2005, thinking that I only had a weight problem. Soon l became aware that this program is not about the food. It is about how I feel about myself inside and how I react to life in general. When people shared, they spoke about the slogans, but I didn’t think of looking up at the meeting’s banner, which displayed them, to find out what they were. I was concentrating on the Steps only. One weekend, our region trustee visited my local fellowship. She ran a few workshops and shared her experience, strength, and hope with us. One thing she stressed was that abstinence is not an option but a necessity. Through this, I learned the slogan “Nothing tastes as good as abstinence feels,” and I have used it all through my program. When I have struggled with food, I’ve repeated this slogan to myself over and over again. It has helped remind me what my life was like before OA and in relapse, and I certainly don’t want the old life I had before program. This slogan has kept me abstinent, no matter what my HP has thrown at me. I also share this slogan with other members who are having food issues, and this gives them encouragement to work the program. I can confirm that this slogan works for me, and I know it will work for anyone who tries it. — Julie