Fellowship Energizing Guide By admin Posted on October 1, 2019 4 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr I’ve been an active member of Overeaters Anonymous for thirty-one years, and I’m maintaining a healthy body weight. Over the years, I have worked the Twelve Steps and learned to live the Principles. It was so exciting at the 2016 World Service Convention in Boston to see the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide revealed for purchase. Of course, I bought my own copy right then and there. On returning home, I took this wonderful piece of literature to my groups. The feedback was wonderful. Several members wanted to go through the workshop but were involved in other service that prevented them from starting right away. Some were afraid of the fifteen-week commitment. Finally, after the service commitments were completed and the fears were faced, we started a Twelve Step workshop on June 5, 2017, using the Study Guide. We began with fourteen members and ended with ten. For me, working the Twelve Steps this way really energized my program. I was able to look at our Steps from a different perspective. The layout of the workbook is absolutely fabulous and easy to follow, and all the readings and questions are right on target. I really got to know the other nine members of my group well, and there was so much enthusiasm and excitement with each share. I continued to go to my regular meetings during the fifteen weeks, and I also shared my weekly homework with my sponsor. (She was not a participant in this particular workshop, but my sharing its content reminded her of the reasons she’s done things the way she has for more than forty years.) At the end of our workshop, none of us could believe the fifteen weeks were over. It all went by very fast. Now, there are several Study Guide workshops going on within my intergroup’s area. I am currently going back through this wonderful piece of literature with a sponsee, and writing this article is one of my commitments to my Step Twelve homework. To anyone thinking about doing the workshop, I’d like to say emphatically, stop thinking and just do it. Make the commitment because you’re worth it! To the literature committee who wrote the Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide, I thank you so much for this wonderful piece of literature. — Bonita