Back in the twentieth century, it still felt okay to ridicule fat people. They seemed so cartoonish. Who could resist poking fun at them behind their backs?

Today, I know that gossip is despicable. The obese are the last objects of scorn and prejudice, aren’t they? What did we ignorant people know of their inner lives?

In a memoir I read, the author talks about being sexually abused while she was growing up; she binged to build a wall for protection. How common is that backstory to the current obesity epidemic? Too common!

My disdain for supersized people took another hit recently when a youngish man stomped into our Twelve Step room. When I heard his heavy footfalls, I felt like I was hiding from a giant in a fairy tale. But when I greeted him, he confessed, “I lack the courage to kill myself, so I binge on junk food all day into oblivion.”

This young, handsome gentle giant found a convert in a public library meeting room. I salute his honesty. There, but for the grace of God, go I.

— N.T.

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