Oh Baby

5 min read

Before I found abstinence and started working the Twelve Steps of OA, my life was falling apart in every way imaginable . . .

My health was suffering from the extra 90 pounds (41 kg) I carried, and I was at risk of losing my job in the military because of my weight. If I lost my job, I would owe forty thousand dollars for my college education. My self-esteem and mental health were deteriorating from shame and fear, my marriage felt like an empty shell, and I had very little joy or intimacy in my relationships. But I still wasn’t willing to give up the food—no consequences were severe enough to make me stop bingeing until I found the help of a Power greater than myself.

I came to OA, left, and came back again several times after my first meeting in April 2012. In May 2014, I started coming to meetings and sharing honestly with others. On June 21, 2014, through the divine intervention of my Higher Power, I finally became willing to abstain from my trigger foods and compulsive eating behaviors.

I began to work the Steps. I called my sponsor every day, made calls to other OA friends, used all the Tools, and got heavily involved in outreach and service work. Now I try my best to continue living in Steps Ten, Eleven, and Twelve daily. When I need to, which is frequently, I revisit Steps One through Nine. As a result, my life looks completely different today.

I lost the excess 90 pounds (41 kg) in about nine months, and I’ve maintained a healthy, slim body for eighteen months. I am now pregnant with my second child, so my weight is changing, but I am abstinent and using the Tools of OA to help me deal with the challenges of pregnancy. During my first pregnancy, I binged even though I had gestational diabetes. I manipulated my blood sugar testing and abused the diabetes medication in order to keep bingeing on my trigger foods. I am confident that this pregnancy can be different because of the OA Fellowship, Tools, and Twelve Steps.

Losing the excess weight was just the beginning of my new life. I followed my heart and left the military by choice and without owing a single penny, and I am so much happier. I stay at home with my son and use the Steps to practice patience, tolerance, kindness, and love with him. I’m making progress every day. I reopened my life to creativity and enjoy writing and art. I have more intimacy in my relationships and my marriage is improving. I have true, meaningful friendships with so many fellows I’ve met in OA; they love and accept me as I am, and they help me do the same. I’ve moved across the country to a beautiful city, bought a lovely home, and am excited to welcome a new member to our family.

OA has truly given me a life beyond my wildest dreams! Keep coming back—I did, and we are worth it!


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