One Small Part

3 min read

Learning to take small actions toward completing projects has been the greatest, most functional difference in my life since I came into this Twelve Step program. Before, any big chunks I had to do went undone, or only got partially done, and were followed by self-deprecation because I could not see the end. Plus, my job was overwhelming. This was a recipe for emotional and spiritual disaster.

The Steps have taught me that I can do what is right in front of me and dismiss the rest. When I was working on my first Fourth Step, I was nervous about making amends. My sponsor reminded me to put that out of my mind: “We will worry about Step Nine when we get there.” Miraculously, the Step work got finished, one small step at a time.

I began to carry this attitude into all my affairs. When I am working, I don’t worry about dinner or getting groceries or Saturday’s plans. I simply do what is in front of me and let go of the rest. (This did take some prayer and practice.)

I am also a quilter, and some of my quilts are very elaborate. They could have been abandoned before I began, but when I set up a quilting day around getting one small part done, the rest was released. Miraculously, the quilts got finished, one step at a time.

So, just for today, I will allow myself the gift of focus on one small aspect of my recovery (some writing I want to do) and one small part of my current quilting project (my granddaughter’s quilted growth chart). I will focus on five documents I have to complete at work, and when I get home, I will let that go and focus on my lovely husband, my sweet little dogs, and our evening together.

I can feel peaceful with all my activities even when chaos is around me. I take my HP into each of my activities, and they become intentionally spiritual. Blessings to all.

— Kim

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