Home Literature Best Place to Buy

Best Place to Buy

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When I first came to OA, I didn’t know very much about it, and I purchased my OA books on Amazon. Yesterday I was scolded for that purchase. I know now that OA has a bookstore, but what are your feelings about buying books there, as opposed to Amazon?

I am sorry you were scolded for buying your books on Amazon. I am delighted that, as a newcomer, you jumped right in and bought books. As a newcomer, there was no way you would know immediately that Overeaters Anonymous sells our books in our own bookstore. We also sell some of our books only on Amazon (our large print book, for instance). So, it can be somewhat confusing.

As it stands right now, Overeaters Anonymous needs income from the sale of books for almost half of our financial support. Books sold in our own online bookstore at bookstore.oa.org generate the most money for our organization. That fact may have led someone to be less than kind to you about where you bought your books. In recovery, I am trying to learn to not assume or apply “should” to anyone else. I am (sigh) imperfect in meeting that lofty goal. No doubt, the OA fellow you ran into is still working on that too.

That being said, as a Twelve Step Fellowship, our contributions (our Seventh Tradition) can make us self-supporting. That is my hopeful ideal. Then we can sell our books on any website or in any bookstore and not be concerned with income from them, only that they carry the message!

Use bookstore.oa.org and the following links to shop for your OA literature:

Amazon and Kindle— amzn.to/2vb7v0S
Apple Books— apple.co/32vwEQ7
Barnes and Noble and Nook— bit.ly/2Vmlzzb

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