Home Relapse Paying Attention

Paying Attention

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When I attended a Region Eight convention and assembly, I had the opportunity to see people in recovery and others in relapse. Although I have no personal experience with relapse (thank God), the only thing I can imagine worse than not having a solution (something I do have experience with) is knowing a solution exists and being unable to access it.

I have spent several years paying attention to people in relapse, especially those who have climbed their way out of it. I often hear that 1) the food is the last to go, 2) they never surrendered, or 3) they failed to enlarge their spiritual lives.

I am not afraid of relapse. However, at times, I fear, in a sick state, my mind will do something irreparable, with perfectionism and shame leading the way. So, instead of focusing on fear, I focus on cultivating my relationship with God. It is the one thing I know that works. The Twelve Steps are the only way that has worked for me to have the relationship I need to remain free of the bondage of my mind.

All I can do to help another member who is in relapse or has never received the gift of abstinence is to share my experience, strength, and hope. Fortunately, that is enough. God bless us all!

— Atiya

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