Relapse Twelfth Step Within Time for Twelfth Step Within By admin Posted on November 1, 2018 4 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr In the “Kingdom of OA,” December 12 is officially Twelfth Step Within Day. We members of Region Eight’s Twelfth Step Within Committee address the twelfth day of every month as a day to reach out to still-suffering OA members, and on “twelve-twelve” (December 12), we double down. Everyone in OA acknowledges this official designation. According to my TSW Committee’s website, we “seek to provide tools to encourage existing OA members to become or remain abstinent, work the Twelve Steps, and amplify the quantity and quality of recovery in our Fellowship. Our Twelfth Step Within Committee does not focus on attracting new members; it explicitly supports the ones we already have. Anyone who is abstinent and working on recovery can do this service. No special qualifications are necessary; only willingness is needed. We can all help carry the message of recovery through abstinence and working the Steps by: Being well ourselves Giving service, sponsorship, and friendship Encouraging membership retention Attending meetings and OA events “So, how can you help someone find their way out of relapse and back into recovery? What can you do to help a member who still suffers?” Most of us know someone who died of this devastating disease. Let’s not waste any more precious time; let’s reach out to the next name on our disease’s victim list. Please consider your fellow OA friends who may be struggling. Take a moment to think of them. Take a minute to pray for them. Take a few minutes to text or email them. Take some time to make a phone call. Take more time to visit or meet with them. Take the time and make the effort to give them a ride to your meeting. This is a “we” Fellowship! Whenever we reach out to help someone else, from the smallest aid to the grandest of gestures, it strengthens our own recovery as well. One of my favorite phrases is “together we get better.” And when we reach out, the person we may be helping the most is ourselves! — Chris J., Huntsville, Alabama USA Find free downloadable resources for IDEA and Twelfth Step Within Day. Go to and click “Abstinence Resources” and “Twelfth Step Within.”