Home Sponsoring A Good Sponsor Wannabe

A Good Sponsor Wannabe

2 min read

My sponsorship style is patterned after the way I was sponsored: I try to be gracious, kind, and compassionate. I also attempt, as my sponsor does, to match my style of sponsoring to the needs of the sponsee—not always an easy task—and I have found this approach often needs tweaking as my sponsee and I go along.

The specifics of how I sponsor, however, differ from my sponsor’s techniques. So that being said, I am beginning a new plan to work with a sponsee using the great Twelve Stepping a Problem wallet card. The problem being twelve-stepped is my new sponsee’s difficulties with compulsive eating. My theory is that this exercise will be an introduction to working the Steps. Hopefully, it will take a bit of fear away from the process.

I can also assist sponsees very early on in their recoveries with Step Ten, which is very meaningful in my own recovery.

From here, there’s a vast, open world of ways to work the Twelve Steps, using OA workshops, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition, the AA Big Book, or any number of other methods of working the Steps. Discussions with sponsees and sponsors, plus prayer and meditation, all have a part in making those decisions for this “good sponsor wannabe.”

— Anonymous

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