Home Sponsoring I’ve Decided to Sponsor

I’ve Decided to Sponsor

3 min read

I have been attending OA for about nine or ten months. Coming into my first meeting, I did have some idea of what to expect; a friend had told me. I have a tendency to connect deeply with the emotions of people in a room; sometimes that’s a blessing, sometimes it’s a struggle. In that first meeting, I immediately felt the openness and caring spirit in the room—I felt so at ease with people I hardly knew.

That is how the OA experience has continued for me: I’ve found caring and supportive people who have answered my questions, offered hugs, and shared their stories. I am now in the midst of working my Steps Eight through Ten, and I’m feeling better than I have in years. My mental, physical, and spiritual health has improved dramatically. I never thought it would be possible to be in this space, but I’ve arrived.

I can see how making connections and sharing this program will continue to uplift me. What a joy it will be to see others experience the peace I’m finding. That is why I have decided to start sponsoring. I don’t know all the answers, but I know I never will. All I know is I’ve been given a gift and sharing that gift will increase my ability to work this program and live an abstinent life.

I am nervous about accepting my first sponsee, but I know I will have support. From Day One, people have been happy to chat, guide, and share. So, I can draw on those foundational core values in OA to guide me in this next step.

— Heather

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