Home Tools & Concepts Plan of Honesty

Plan of Honesty

2 min read

I have been a member of OA since October 2009. I knew I could not pursue a graduate degree while compulsively overeating. Food ran my life; I had to plan everything around it.

I walked through the OA doors looking for relief from the pain of compulsive overeating. My HP paired me with a sponsor right away. My sponsor asked if I could email her my food for the day. I was resistant. Food is a private matter! I was afraid to write down my food because it made me feel accountable to someone besides myself.

However, I was also willing to try anything to recover. By submitting my plan of eating to my sponsor, I became more honest with myself. I slowly became honest about other aspects of my life as well, such as my feelings, relationships, and past.

I realized being honest is the foundation of my recovery. It can be frightening, but the more I can face and sit through with the truth, the freer I am from it. I never have to face the truth alone. My Higher Power, sponsor, and OA fellows are here to support my recovery!

— E.M.

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