What If

2 min read

At a recent OA business meeting, our discussion revolved around member retention: how can we keep newcomers and other members coming back? After the meeting, a person near me said, “What if . . . what if everyone here took on one more sponsee?”

What if? What if? This churned in my mind for over a week as I thought of my beloved Overeaters Anonymous. How could I, how could we, best help the still suffering compulsive eater? What if:

  • each of us recommitted to obtaining and maintaining abstinence?
  • each sponsor took on just one more sponsee?
  • everyone who could sponsor did sponsor?
  • each sponsee became a sponsor and took on a sponsee when possible?
  • each member did just a little more service?
  • each person made one more phone call each day, especially to someone new or struggling?
  • everyone attended one additional meeting?
  • each member put just a little more into their Seventh Tradition contribution each time?
  • each person shared with others his or her strength, hope, and recovery?
  • everyone acted on the OA Responsibility Pledge: “Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this I am responsible.”

What if everyone in Overeaters Anonymous committed to some or all of the suggestions above? We would be developing a Fellowship and program beyond our wildest dreams! I’m committing now. Will you join me?

— Tina, Massachusetts USA

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