Tools & Concepts Whatever It Takes By admin Posted on June 1, 2018 1 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr I am writing this as one of the assignments my sponsor gives me. She asked me to write on the action plan Tool. As I understand this Tool, it means using whatever it takes to help me achieve and maintain my abstinence. What actions have I started to take to help me do this? I make sure I get to the grocery store to ensure I have the necessary items to follow my food plan. I make sure I arrange my schedule so that I can plan what meetings I will attend for the week. I do service, including chairing meetings, sharing my story, helping with workshops, and being an intergroup representative. I read the OA meditation books, Lifeline magazine, and the Big Book, which is also using the literature Tool. I allow time for and follow through with calling my sponsor. I follow my sponsor’s direction to use the Tool of writing regularly. — Edited and reprinted from Road to Recovery newsletter, South Central Pennsylvania Intergroup, May/June 2012