Home Working the Program Wiener Dog Wisdom

Wiener Dog Wisdom

2 min read

I have a wonderful dachshund named Macy. Dachshunds are smart and stubborn dogs whose long bodies make them prone to back problems. Macy had recurrent trouble with her spine, and when she was in pain, it was hard for her to get onto the couch or bed using her short little legs. So I bought her a set of doggy steps to make it easier for her. When she was in pain and having difficulty getting around, she was faithful about using those steps. But once she was feeling better, she would forget all about the steps and just leap up onto the bed or jump off the couch, often injuring herself all over again.

I got so frustrated with her; the steps were right there—why wasn’t she using them?

One day, it occurred to me that I was acting like Macy when it came to my Steps. When everything was going well and I was sailing through life, I didn’t have much use for the Steps. But when the going got tough, when there was stress at work, when my abstinence was slipping, or if my attitude needed adjusting, I’d crack open my Twelve-Step Workbook to do some serious reflection and writing.

The Steps are right here. I need to be using them regularly, not just when I am in pain! I guess even an old dog can teach me a new lesson.

— Sherrill. D., Windsor, California USA

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