Home Fellowship Prayerful Thinking

Prayerful Thinking

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When I say the serenity prayer—God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change—I remind myself that I cannot change anyone other than me, and sometimes I can change my circumstances and sometimes I can change my body problems. I remember to picture that other person or thing I want to change and acknowledge that I cannot. Courage to change the things I can—I remember I can change myself, and sometimes my circumstances, and sometimes my body problems. I can eat better; eliminate sugar, flour, and caffeine; stop drinking; and exercise. And wisdom to know the difference—I develop a sense of humor when I don’t remember the difference. It helps!

Also, this is a nice line to add after the serenity prayer—Thy will, not mine, be done. It helps me remember to “let go, let God.”

— Barbara, Reno, Nevada USA

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