Atheists & Agnostics Scientific Approach Before program my top weight was 430 pounds (195 kg). At my first meeting 30 years ago, I weighed 380 pounds (172 kg). I rea…
Atheists & Agnostics Staying Centered I have a strong belief in the existence of a spiritual dimension, but not in a traditional God or divine being. My experienc…
Atheists & Agnostics I’m Not God When the OA speaker said, “I lost a whole person,” it shook me to my core. I needed to do that. Not a whole adult person, ju…
Atheists & Agnostics Many Forms I am an atheist with a spiritual life. I reconcile the spiritual side of OA by using the concept of acceptance and by not ju…
Atheists & Agnostics Power Within and Without I found the Power inside of me, a small quiet voice. Call it intuition. It is a sudden or intuitive thought or decision that…
Atheists & Agnostics Having Faith When I feel empty, alone, uncertain and frightened, I need to act as if some force in the universe exists that will guide me…
Atheists & Agnostics Spirituality Defined A recent communication from an OA member had me thinking about the spiritual aspect of OA’s program. This person didn’t work…
Atheists & Agnostics Pathway to Salvation I don’t consider myself a religious person. Although recovery has reconnected me in some ways to the religion of my youth, i…
Atheists & Agnostics Nature’s Signs While working the Steps early in my OA recovery, I struggled with surrendering to a Higher Power. A kind man explained a Hig…
Atheists & Agnostics An Atheist in OA I am writing to share my experience as an atheist in OA. I feel disappointed by the lack of articles written by atheists, pa…
How OA Changed My Life Recovery True Freedom When a fellow OA member suggested I reflect on what true freedom looks like for me, I discovered I could probably write a book. Before OA, I truly felt I already had it in the form of a solid career, … Read More
Higher Power Spirituality Stepping-Stones, Nuggets, and Gems Spirituality is the solution to our problem of powerlessness, and we find this solution in the Twelve Step program of recovery. I’ve experienced three stepping-stones in this process: Amen, Amends, Am… Read More
The Road Narrows My twenty-ninth birthday in OA is approaching, and it is cause for renewed reflection about my program. I spoke to my sponsor a week ago and mentioned to her that I was thinking of not taking a candle this year. Other OA members on their birthdays pitch about life changes: weddings, kids, jobs, financial gain, or acquisition of cars. I … Read More
Share It: Powerful Shares, Joyful Reading, Pages and Prayers Powerful Shares I wanted to share how sad I am to hear about the discontinuation of Lifeline. It has literally been a lifeline to me. I am one of the ones who answered your 2018 subscription appeal, and I recently renewed my subscription and will cherish every last issue. Thank you for the articles about “The Joys of Retreats and … Read More
Abstinence is Possible I am new to OA. I’ve been with the program for 101 days. I first went to a meeting to support my daughter, but I was nervous and unsure about going. I’d heard about OA through a client who lost 100 pounds (45 kg) three years ago and kept it off. I asked how she did it and she said, … Read More