Anorexia & Bulimia Diversity Seeing the Big Picture I’d never understood how someone who is anorexic could have the same problem as someone who is obese. This morning, though, …
Share It Share It: Powerful Shares, Joyful Reading, Pages and Prayers Powerful Shares I wanted to share how sad I am to hear about the discontinuation of Lifeline. It has literally been a lifeli…
Recovery Working the Program Let’s Ask Permission I have been in OA for nineteen years. Recently, after a Big Book study meeting, another member of the group told me I never …
Recovery Working the Program Correcting and Cross Talk Despite six years of OA and maintaining a 90-pound (41-kg) weight loss, I still sometimes feel attacked in OA. This was the …
Fellowship Recovery Together, We Have I have been in the rooms of OA for several years now, quietly waiting for my miracle. Like a student yearning for answers, I…
Recovery Working the Program Chairing is Difficult I’ve had personality conflicts in the past. Once, I was chairing my home group’s business meeting, and it was not clear how …
Recovery Working the Program Doing What I Can I had wanted to give service in any way I could. When there were no abstinent people available for a position on the intergr…
Recovery Working the Program Serenity in a Recovery Desert I recently visited Vermont, where I grew up. I was there for two weeks to see my mom and a few other family members and frie…
Recovery Working the Program Turning to the Tools When being judged negatively for belonging to OA, I have experienced the same emotions that I used to reactively eat over. B…
Higher Power Working the Program Abstinence Anniversaries I am looking for any writings that give reasons why we celebrate abstinence anniversaries. I have just become the anniversar…
How OA Changed My Life Recovery True Freedom When a fellow OA member suggested I reflect on what true freedom looks like for me, I discovered I could probably write a book. Before OA, I truly felt I already had it in the form of a solid career, … Read More
Higher Power Spirituality Stepping-Stones, Nuggets, and Gems Spirituality is the solution to our problem of powerlessness, and we find this solution in the Twelve Step program of recovery. I’ve experienced three stepping-stones in this process: Amen, Amends, Am… Read More
The Road Narrows My twenty-ninth birthday in OA is approaching, and it is cause for renewed reflection about my program. I spoke to my sponsor a week ago and mentioned to her that I was thinking of not taking a candle this year. Other OA members on their birthdays pitch about life changes: weddings, kids, jobs, financial gain, or acquisition of cars. I … Read More
Share It: Powerful Shares, Joyful Reading, Pages and Prayers Powerful Shares I wanted to share how sad I am to hear about the discontinuation of Lifeline. It has literally been a lifeline to me. I am one of the ones who answered your 2018 subscription appeal, and I recently renewed my subscription and will cherish every last issue. Thank you for the articles about “The Joys of Retreats and … Read More
Abstinence is Possible I am new to OA. I’ve been with the program for 101 days. I first went to a meeting to support my daughter, but I was nervous and unsure about going. I’d heard about OA through a client who lost 100 pounds (45 kg) three years ago and kept it off. I asked how she did it and she said, … Read More