Service Chatting with Churches By admin Posted on May 1, 2019 3 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Regarding our primary purpose, my OA group reached out to all Milwaukee-area churches where OA meetings are held. First, I called every location and told the secretaries I was sending a thank-you letter to the church leader and an announcement for their bulletin. They sounded very pleased; many gave me their email addresses. If our announcement was approved, it could be easily printed that way. I mailed the following letter to many pastors, along with the To the Clergy pamphlet. Then, I followed up a few days later by emailing the bulletin announcement to each secretary. Dear [church leader‘s name], I would like to thank you personally and on behalf of the members of Overeaters Anonymous for allowing us to hold OA meetings at your church. Many of us are being given the gift of recovery from the disease of compulsive eating through the practice of the Twelve Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. OA helps us realize that compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors are addictive diseases. In the caring Fellowship of OA, we are given hope that one day at a time, with a Higher Power’s help, we can live in recovery. I’ve included a flyer that may give you helpful information on Overeaters Anonymous. If the following announcement meets your approval, I hope you will be kind enough to run it in your church bulletin or display it on your bulletin board. If you have any questions or comments, the OA office can forward them to me. Thank you again for your support and consideration. Sincerely, OA Member So far, I’ve already heard back from three newcomers! Maybe this technique will be of help to other members practicing professional outreach and public information attraction. — Clarice G.