Home Tools & Concepts Anything You Need

Anything You Need

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When action plan was added to the Tools ten years ago, I was not sure how to utilize it. I looked up what action plan means: “An action plan is the process of identifying and implementing attainable actions, both daily and long-term, that are necessary to support our individual abstinence and emotional, spiritual, and physical recovery” (The Tools of Recovery, p. 5). The good thing is, as I heard from other OA members, an action plan can be anything you need to add to your daily living to ensure you continue living the Twelve Step way of life. Examples include making a certain number of phone calls, meditating, and doing certain exercises.

My current action plan is about physical action. I ride my recumbent bike daily for fifteen to twenty minutes and keep track of my progress in a journal. I am open to the fact that this Tool can adapt to what works for me. I love that if I can’t ride my bike (due to a trip or a sore back, for example) then I can easily make my action plan include something else, such as walking or another physical activity or outreach to OA members.

I write out a Tenth Step to my sponsor every night, including what Tools I utilize daily, so I can see if I am keeping up with my action plan.

— Jessica

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