Tools & Concepts Higher Prescriber By admin Posted on March 1, 2020 2 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr My action plan is a prescription for recovery from my food addiction: Eat three moderate, weighed-and measured meals Pray morning, day, night, and as needed Connect daily with my sponsor and OA friends Attend two to three face-to-face OA meetings a week Read OA-approved literature and other recovery and spiritual books two to three times a day, or more as needed Exercise (walk, do yoga, stretch, clean house, do yard work) three to six times a week Write on daily readings Write and share Twelve Step work with sponsor weekly Do service work daily Weigh myself once a month and report to my sponsor Write a gratitude list as needed, usually when feeling a negative or “poor me” attitude Seek professional help as needed Live imperfectly in the Principles of the program daily Breathe, relax, let go, and live life in the moment Whether I want to or not, I do these prescribed actions daily to relieve me of my cunning, baffling, powerful, and deadly disease of compulsive eating and food behavior because if I try being my own doctor, I will fail. Now I follow directions. Thanks OA and God! — Kim