Atheists & Agnostics Diversity Light and Color By admin Posted on January 1, 2019 2 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr I came to OA at age 25 with only 10 to 15 pounds (5 to 7 kg) to lose. That was twenty-six years ago. Before OA, there was darkness: guilt, remorse, shame, fear, paranoia. I built a wall to protect me. I even wore mostly black. I was bingeing, purging, and starving. I was smoking, drinking, and using drugs. There were periods of control and exercise and periods of no control nor exercise. All of it revolved around food and what other people thought of me. I had no relationship with a Higher Power—a belief in one, but no relationship. Since coming to OA, I’ve found light: joy and adventure. I am growing in integrity and humility. I have friendships beyond my dreams and laughter, love, and support in my life. I have freedom from food ruling me and freedom from smoking, drinking, or drugs. Best of all, I have a relationship with God. He does care what I eat! He even knows the hairs on my head. Wow! He protects me—no more need for the wall. Now, I have a great, healthy body . . . and colorful clothes! — Jenny C.