Home Literature Recharging with a Good Read

Recharging with a Good Read

1 min read

I carry Lifeline with me to medical appointments. I get so much out of the stories; I feel relaxed and don’t notice the time. I get into the stories and keep my mind off the other people in the room. I used to think about what the doctor’s staff should or shouldn’t do. Reading about recovery keeps me out of the negative. After each story I say to myself, “Thanks for sharing.”

I read Lifeline when I ride public transportation, fly on a plane, or lie at the beach. Lifeline recharges me.

I sometimes forget about the Steps and Traditions, so I enjoy reading stories about them. I love the Ask-It Basket. I haven’t understood some things I’ve seen or heard at meetings, and Lifeline explains them.

This is my first letter to Lifeline. Our group conscience decided we would have a Lifeline writing meeting once a month. This will not be my last letter.

— Troy

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