Home Literature Right Sized

Right Sized

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I’m a relapse survivor. I was in OA for about five years in the 1980s. Though I was in a formal religious system, I had no personal HP, so it should come as no surprise that I never achieved any long-term abstinence or serenity. I was using OA as a diet club.

Being a compulsive reader, I collected all the OA literature I could find, including Lifeline magazine. When I left OA (because I was tired of feeling like a hypocrite), I stashed all my literature, including all the old issues of Lifeline. That was one of the best compulsive decisions I ever made.

I came back into OA in January 2003 with new attitudes and more maturity. I resurrected all my old literature, including the Lifeline issues. They now had new relevance for me. Because Lifeline focuses on the Steps and recovery, it’s always relevant.

I’m happy to say I’m now a longtimer and have released 31 pounds (14 kg). I’m more conscious of how HP works in my life and have more than 100 days of abstinence by the grace of God.

I love Lifeline and carry one around with me most of the time. I also subscribe to e-Lifeline, but get the most benefit from the mailed version. It’s just the right size—just like me.

— Jenice

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