Home Steps Two New

Two New

2 min read

This morning, as part of my daily spiritual practice, I read a page from For Today and felt excitement. It is February, the month of Step Two. Although each of the Twelve Steps has played a significant role in my spiritual growth, Step Two has a special place in my heart. Step Two and Tradition Two transformed my understanding of God.

Unaware, I’d entered recovery with a punishing God waiting to zap me if I failed, which I did often, with food and almost every other area of my life. Through the clarity I gained in abstinence and working the Steps, I came to understand my unconscious beliefs about God. Later I learned these beliefs were in error, and they could change.

This is where Step Two and Tradition Two worked together to change my thinking and my life. As I worked my way through the Steps for the second time, the “loving God” phrase of Tradition Two took on new meaning for me. I began to see my Higher Power in a new way. I began to understand “sanity” as the ability to see the good in each person, place, thing, and situation . . . including myself.

My beliefs about my Higher Presence began to change and so did my thinking. My ability to trust my Higher Power grew and my life blossomed.

Today I am still excited by Step Two. It is a reminder of all of the blessings I experience today from a loving Higher Power. It’s all good.

Atiya M., Raleigh, North Carolina USA

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